Change Leadership

Change Leadership für gelingende Veränderung. True Leadership: Leadership Coaching und Training für meisterhafte Change Leader, mit Sitz in Zürich.

Anchor Points in Times of Change

I support you in leading change successfully by display of Change Leadership.


Magnitude and speed of change is increasing. There are almost no consolidation phases any more. In such times of constant transition and uncertainty there are few constants left that can serve as landmarks for employees: qualities like honesty, mettle, benevolence, and integrity.


The most powerful contribution to succesful change that leaders can make is radiating these qualities and promoting them. If they succeed to do so, they can lead by inspiration, even in rough times. It is understood that they will also need craft skills. But the difference from good to great will be made by the Leadership dimension.


Change Leadership ist one of the core competencies of the future. Change Leadership is the engine for large und fast change. It creates a momentum that makes fundamental change possible.

John Kotter about Change Management vs. Change Leadership


Successful change is supported at different levels:

  • In Retreats steering committees and leadership teams can find clarity for themselves. Only then will they be able to communicate clarity.
  • Change Sparring makes sure that change is lead with an attitude of Change Leadership.
  • Action Learning helps working groups and project teams to make progress efficiently and to learn from the process and about themselves at the same time.
  • TL Development Circles® can act as catalysts, send impulses into the organisation that will win more and more ambassadors for change among the employees.
  • Change Leadership Coaching of individuals and teams helps to keep your eye on the compass in times of change and to maintain personal stability.


Tibor Koromzay - True Leadership

Vogelsangstrasse 48

8006 Zürich

Mobile +41 79 197 43 51



Leadership Entwicklung


Change Begleitung und Prozessbegleitung

Persönliches Wachstum

Theorie U

Action Learning

Retreats, Klausuren und Workshops

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