Integrative Leadership (german)

Leadership happens in many places in an organization. A hugte potential that is exploited far too little. All too often, uncoordinated forces emerge that point in different directions. This deprives leadership of a good part of its potential power.

In order to answer the question of how to change this, this book extends the concept of leadership far beyond the management of directly subordinate employees. I suggest to use leadership as a central and overarching perspective for corporate development from a comprehensive and integrative point of view.

Six dimensions of leadership are described, through the conscious bundling of which the effect of leadership is massively increased. Friction and performance losses are thus minimized, and organizations can mature into inspiring places.

This supports leaders in generating sustainable and positive change.




order at Orell Füssli

order at Springer

Management and Love

We are facing enormous challenges both locally and globally. To meet these challenges adequately, we will need leaders who are capable of winning the trust of people and who take responsibility beyond the boundaries of their companies.


“Management and Love” is about the psychological and spiritual qualities leaders will need at a personal level to succeed in the future. The book follows these qualities upstream and finds an ultimate common source: love in its general human and spiritual sense.


The book provides concrete impulses for thought and action and points of orientation at a time when the economic system as a whole and the way in which companies are managed are being put to the test – available as kindle e-book and paperback.


I hope you like it, and I wish you all the best on your personal Leadership journey.


Tibor Koromzay - True Leadership

Vogelsangstrasse 48

8006 Zürich

Mobile +41 79 197 43 51



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